Is Your Retirement Savings Safe?

There have been many changes in the financial world in recent years that have significantly impacted
the retirement “nest eggs” of maturing Americans. For some, the impact was minimal… however,
for others the impact has been devastating.

Can you possibly imagine…all that you have worked for your entire life, now lost almost as quickly
as someone flipping a light switch? What happens now in those so-called “Golden Years”? Needless
to say, those years will most likely be severely tarnished and a new plan would need to be worked
out. You may have experienced this yourself or surely knew someone who had…I’ve certainly seen
it happen.

The questions that immediately come to mind are:

- Is there a way to protect your “Golden Years”?

- Is there a way to make sure that you decide what happens to the money you’ve worked so
hard for and saved your entire life?

- Is there a way to grow your retirement accounts without always having to risk the principal?

The answer is in short, a very simple yes! There are many financial products out there that do not
completely rely on the stock market. Effective tools that will guarantee you a specific return on your
retirement dollars, without any market risk. In fact many will out-perform a 401(k), IRA, and almost
always Certificates of Deposit.

In my opinion one of the best alternatives to protect your retirement accounts is the Equity Indexed
Annuity. Please understand these products are not the cure all, but are backed by major insurance
companies, and (in most cases), will guarantee minimum interest earnings while providing additional
potential for upside earnings, linked in part to market gains without the risk of downward market
fluctuations. The latest Equity Indexed annuities are also very appealing, as many can provide you a
guaranteed lifetime income stream that you cannot outlive. Another new feature many offer is there
is no annuitization requirement to launch the lifetime income, providing you the ability to remain in
control of your money. The income stream can be stopped and restarted if you desire and can also
offer you immediate access to your money in the growth years with checkbook ease.

You will never have to worry about your money being out of reach or going away, and what a
comfortable feeling knowing that it’s earning while you sleep!

Take a look at the new breed of Equity Indexed annuities.
You’ll be glad you did!

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